Pat Mitchell

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A Love Letter to Newsletters

11 newsletters that I love

Happy Valentine's Day!

I’d like to ‘share the love’ on this day which didn’t actually begin with love but with the death of two men named Valentine whom the Romans executed on Feb. 14 in the third century. Over the years, Geoffrey Chaucer, author of “The Canterbury Tales” linked the February feast of St. Valentinus to the mating of birds, Shakespeare referenced the romantic idea in “Hamlet,” and somewhere in that evolution, this day, February 14th, became a day in which we speak more openly about love — or in those more innocent days of my childhood, a day we dared to give a handmade heart or post (post in this case meaning with a stamp and through the mail, and that certainly dates me!) a Hallmark card to our latest crush. Pardon the nostalgia.

Today, we more likely post emojis on texts or a video on TikTok, but the intention is still similar — share the love.

So, on this Valentine’s Day, I’m sharing my love for many of the women I admire who have committed to writing missives that help keep me and so many others informed and inspired — my ‘newsletter sisters.’

These are newsletters I always open. They offer news you might otherwise miss, insights you'll appreciate, along with valued perspectives and often much needed inspiration.

The InfluencHER Project

A megaphone for women’s ideas, voices, and expertise, helping these valued perspectives achieve the influence they deserve.

Along with Ghanaian poet Apiorkor Seyiram Ashong-Abbey and veteran world affairs journalist Alison Smale, I serve on the editorial advisory board of this monthly newsletter whose purpose is to review the world’s news sources and curate a special edition of stories written by women about the issues we care most deeply about. We curate for newsworthiness and originality, often grouping by themes. Readers are encouraged to share that content with a network of other influential voices who amplify on social media, and beyond. The InfluencHER Project is the brainchild of Christine Heenan, a faculty member in Connected Women Leaders and the founder and president of Clarendon Group, a global social impact and communications firm. Read more…

Women's eNews

One of the FIRST women focused newsletters!

Women’s eNews, which has been bringing news for and about women for decades, recently announced a collaboration with Afghanistan’s Zan Times, a women-led, investigative newsroom that covers human rights violations in Afghanistan with a focus on women, the LGBTQ community, and environmental issues. Read more as this is a collaboration worth following for on-the-ground reporting in a country where women’s voices — and lives — are tragically suppressed and oppressed.

Maria Shriver's Sunday Paper

Journalism Above the Noise. Moving You and Humanity Forward.

Each week, Maria's team of journalists "sifts through the news to make sense of what's happening in the world and provide hope for your week to come." The key word here is hope. In addition to the links to recommended stories, Maria's column "I've Been Thinking…" offers her personal take on that week's top news story or news that resonated with her and never fails to provide inspiration and new perspectives. In the midst of the tragedy of last week's earthquake, for example, she shared an essay entitled "The Best of Us," focused on the heroic acts of those working to save the lives of family members and total strangers, and other examples of heroism from the week's news. As she wrote, "Yes, the worst of nature was on display. But so was the best of humanity." Read more…

Arianna Huffington's 'On My Mind'

Inspiration and actionable advice on how to build resilience and connections in our unprecedented times.

Many of you probably already read articles on Arianna Huffington's incredible Thrive Global well-being platform, which offers news, tools, studies, workshops and ideas for promoting well-being in every aspect of your life. In her monthly newsletter, Arianna shares "her take on the latest happenings, her favorite pieces on how we can thrive even in our stressful world, and some fun and inspiring extras." Read more…

The McPherson Memo

Social impact stories, perspectives and connections delivered to your inbox every other week.

Susan McPherson is the founder and CEO of McPherson Strategies, a communications consultancy focused on the intersection of brands and social impact. She is also the author of The Lost Art of Connecting: The Gather, Ask, Do Method for Building Meaningful Relationships, a guide to reclaiming the power of human contact, which I found so meaningful to read during the pandemic. In this bimonthly newsletter, Susan and her team share social impact news along with links to articles, books, films, jobs, and more. Read more…

the examined family

a weekly newsletter for people who get all twisted up inside about the brokenness of the world and wonder how to actually live in it…

Courtney Martin is a former mentee who is now a dear friend. During our time as mentor and mentee, I often observed that she taught me as much as I (hope) I taught her! We talked about the experience on The Bridge podcast in a wide-ranging conversation about the insights—and joy!—that can be gained from cross-generational friendships. Courtney is the author of Learning in Public, and co-founder of the Fresh Speakers Bureau and the Solutions Journalism Network. She sends an essay every Wednesday (sometimes audio!) and Q&As with interesting people on sporadic Fridays. Subscribers receive an additional missive on Sundays. Read more…

Mighty Forces Express

Because when we share our stories, the power we unleash is a mighty force!

"It’s time to flood the world with the wisdom and power of women leaders — which means it’s time for women leaders to get loud." Amanda Hirsch, the publisher of Mighty Forces Express and CEO of Mighty Forces, has made that mission her life's work. She works one-on-one with women leaders and with feminist organizations to help them tell their stories and raise their voices. You can see why I like this newsletter! Listen to a conversation I had with Amanda last fall for the Mighty Forces podcast. Read more…

YES! Magazine

Join more than 80,000 people seeking to build a more equitable and sustainable world.

YES! Media is a nonprofit, independent publisher of solutions journalism, which "analyzes societal problems in terms of their root causes and explores opportunities for systemic, structural change." YES! also spotlights the ideas and initiatives of people dreaming big and working for a better world. It's a must-read for everyone interested in alternative thinking, problem solving and positive change. Read more…

Katie Couric's Wake-Up Call

the newsletter that gives you each day’s must-know news

I start each day reading Katie's Wake-Up Call newsletter. She writes that she "started this newsletter to provide readers the news they need — away from all the noise and misinformation. I believe that mission is more important now than ever before." I agree. The newsletter delivers a mix of news, including succinct explainers, Q&As, links to must-read articles and new studies, and personal reflections from Katie. Read more…

The 19th* News

a daily briefing on gender, politics and policy news

The name is a nod to the Amendment which gave American women the right to vote. The asterisk is a reminder that the 19th Amendment didn't give all women the right to vote. (It also underscores the fact that women’s enfranchisement and empowerment is still unfinished work.) The 19th*'s daily newsletter offers news with a gendered lens, highlighting stories about the women and LGBTQ+ people driving change across America. Read more…

Ms. Magazine

the most trusted, popular source for feminist news and information

Two options here. The Ms. Weekly Digest goes out on Saturdays offering the week's top stories and the editors' favorite pieces from around the world. Today at Ms. delivers their top stories every weekday afternoon. Read more…

I hope that you found these suggestions of interest, and a note of gratitude for you who take the time to share your appreciation for my weekly musings with your responses.

A special Happy 25th Anniversary shout out to my dear friend V (formerly Eve Ensler) for the global movement, VDAY, that she launched 25 years ago on Valentine’s Day!

Happy VDAY everyone!


- Pat

PS - Posting one more LOVE LETTER... In my Valentine above, I didn’t list the various posts from my most valued news source — The Guardian — but it is an absolute MUST READ every day for analysis, perspectives, thought pieces, and in general, being an engaged, informed global citizen!

Today on V-DAY, as is often the case, I found another great example of The Guardian at its best. This article, written by V (formerly Eve Ensler) on the two movements I referenced in my earlier newsletter — and why there are so many reasons to celebrate and express love and gratitude.